Today’s ATPo email

Thoughts? Volunteers? ; )

Dear Buffy Fan:

By way of introducing myself, my name is Jennifer and I’m the production coordinator on an upcoming Canadian television series called FANatical. FANatical is a new television series about the world’s most obsessive television fans.

As the host of the popular Buffy site, I was hoping that you may be able to point me in the direction of the ultimate Buffy Fan. We’re looking for 2-3 fans from Canada and the US. They should be obsessed: have collections, know all the words to any given episode, have their walls covered in posters and pictures, etc.

There exists all levels of fandom out there… but we only want the most passionate, the most serious, and above all the ones who have the most fun with it. We can’t wait to laugh with them and join in their extreme enthusiasm.

I’m also looking on information on festivals, conventions, and other Buffy get togethers- are there any out there you could point me too?

If you have any suggestions as to who might be the most extreme Buffy fan around or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line.

Thanks in advance,
Jennifer Saull.